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Profile for Barry Gee


A selection of works by Barry Gee

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Ref Title Author
SS-4278 The Cabana Bar Barry Gee
SS-3201 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 7) Barry Gee
SS-7268 Rock ' Roll Vagabond. Part eight. Barry Gee
SS-3286 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 19) Barry Gee
SS-6624 A Year in Normandy? (3) Barry Gee
SS-3297 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 23) Barry Gee
SS-6054 Not Another Cookery Book. (3) Barry Gee
SS-7290 Holding the Crown Jewels. Barry Gee
SS-4185 Steamed Mute Swan. Barry Gee
SS-7260 Rock 'n Roll Vagabond. Part two. Barry Gee
SS-3352 Added Tar and Nicotine. Barry Gee
Po-3078 Nobody dies of old age. Barry Gee
SS-7715 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (revisited.) Part two Barry Gee
Po-7789 Tell it to your face. Barry Gee
SS-3300 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 24) Barry Gee
SS-3237 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 12) Barry Gee
SS-3259 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 15) Barry Gee
Po-3799 Home to me. Barry Gee
SS-3229 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 11) Barry Gee
SS-7866 A Bite to Eat Barry Gee
SS-3325 A Short History of Tamberton Treacle Mine. Barry Gee
SS-7751 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (revisited) Part eight. Barry Gee
SS-7266 Rock ' Roll Vagabond. Part six Barry Gee
SS-3284 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 18) Barry Gee
SS-6622 A Year in Normandy? (2) Barry Gee

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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