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All I want for Christmas is ...
by writebuzz Schools

This plot is all about writing a Christmas song.
You can submit as many lines as you like in one go, and the trick is to try and make every second line rhyme.
Have fun!

All I want for Christmas is a DVD
and some films for me to see.

All I want for Christmas is a Barbie Doll
and some clothes for her as well.

Title: All I want for Christmas...
Author: Jodie James

... is a nice new dress.
So I can wear it to impress.

Title: Katy's wish for the School's plot thickens
Author: Katy Michael

All I want for Christmas is a nice big bear.
So I can look after him with lots of care.

Title: Damak's wish
Author: Damak Wallace

Is a brand new bike
I´m far too big to ride a trike. :-)

Title: xmas wish list
Author: Ian Finch

an LP guitar
play it hard, rock the stars

Title: Jessie's wish
Author: Jessie Lyons

.... a chestnut horse so I can
ride him on a cross country course.

Title: All I want for Christmas
Author: Hannah Dawson

...is a shiny car,
so i can drive near and far.

Title: Jonathan's wish for Christmas
Author: Jonathan Tidy

No war. No aggression.
Far, far, better than any possesion.

But, if you´d like to buy me a gift too.
Then anything will be fab, coming from you!

And if you like me to be more specific.
Then a Blackberry, would be terrific!

Title: Tom's wish for Christmas..
Author: Tom Fleetham

.. a quiet life;

perhaps you could mention this to my wife!

Title: Zak's wish for Christmas
Author: Zak Impega

to be with my family,

Because they´re all so kind to me.

Title: Ali's wish
Author: Ali Harding

some trendy boots.

So, I can wear them, and look real cute!

Title: Simon's wish
Author: Simon North

new football kit

so when I play I´ll look real fit!

Title: Daniel's wish
Author: Daniel Roberts

... to go on a cruise,
where I can take a long earned snooze.

Title: Charlotte's wish
Author: Charlotte Flint

is sun, sand, and sea.

How about a trip to Australia for me?

Title: Sebastian's wish ..
Author: Sebastian Winters

... is to party, eat, and chill,

and for someone kind to pick up the bill! :-)

Title: Natasha's wish
Author: Natasha Edwards

- five gold rings.

- or if not - other sparkly things!

Title: Jason's wish
Author: Jason Richardson

a nice surprise.
Something that will light up my eyes. J

Title: Andrea's wish came true
Author: Andrea Chivers

everything Santa brought for me.
Now I'm as happy as I can be.

writebuzz®... the word is out!