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Through the Window
by Laura Watson

Write a poem about what you see out of your window.


Sunshine and daisies
Grass growing on the lawn
Birds singing in the sky
Celebrating the new dawn

 (can be any season) 

Title: Rain, Rain, Rain
Author: Geraldine Harper

All I can see through my window pane
Is buckets, and buckets of falling rain.
It's nice and snug to be in doors
Out of the reach of this downpour.

Title: Weather report.
Author: Rosa Peffer

A pigeon ruffled fluffed and battered clings skillfully atop the streetlight.
Stooping and swaying in cadence with the wind that whistles through
cherry tree branches doors and this window at which I sit.

It's dusk not that you can tell
the day scarcely stirred from it's duvet of
grey making cloud that shrouds the sky.

The pigeon is now uplit and orange as the streelight flicks on
pooling the street below in light.

A neighbour huddled and struggling against the wind challenges the door of the close to open
against the menacing of the wind.
Hair madly flying head bowed in grim determination one hand pulling and gripping the other awkwardly handling numerous rustling and flapping carrier bags.
A fight ensues.
Access gained the door flaps a little before succumbing to the closure mechanism with an indignantly
loud clatter.

Now rain has joined in the grimness
falling in swirls and spatters
ratt tatting on my viewpoint with irregular rhythm.
Sheets of it flash and fling themselves along the coal black
diamond shiny street chasing an empty plastic bottle into submission against a parked car.

I breathe out causing my portal to close for a moment and then as the moisture warms and dissipates my view is uninterrupted again.
I sigh and return to the bright pool of white light and tap on the computer's keys.
I am within and warm.

Title: Raw Cold
Author: Hannah Dawson

It's really cold,
Too cold to rain.

Frost covers everything,
A thin white sheet.

Breath comes out in a cloudy fog,
While the passer-by shivers.

An icy wing whistles at the panes,
But nothing moves apart from the passer-by's umbrella.

Everything is frozen,
Stuck in one position for Eternity.

Or at least until the sun comes out!

Title: Separation - a window shut
Author: Ferdinand Salvador

Water droplets have settled on the glass,

on the outside and the inside, of the widow.

On the outside these droplets

seem like your tears

falling trickling down your cheeks

and on the inside they collected

from my breath

that I held within me

wasted from the many kisses

I fashioned to comfort you.

Separation is like the pane of glass between us …

My kisses cannot now dry your tears … and

there is a glass, a window shut between us.

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