It’s a long way and it is scary - The World's Longest Song! - a lyrics writing competition on
by writebuzz Admin
If you joined last year you may recollect that we have included entries from The Guiness Book of Records associated with writing, in our last festive greetings newsletter? Well, we think it’s about time we (that is you) created a writing record of our own, and this plot enables members of to do just that.
Each plot submission should constitute a verse. Each verse should be written to the tune "It’s a long way to Tipperary" on perpertual replay. Verses should naturally follow each other, be in context and please keep your ear on the tune!
Members may submit as many verses as they wish. Verse which are out of context or don’t work will be removed.
The competition prize winner will be the person who has scored the highest number of review stars when the plot closes on 31 January 07. The winner will strum away with a cool 500 pounds (G.B. sterling).
Readers please review as many threads as you can and provide feedback. The star of this plot will be the person with the most stars, accumulated over all verses.