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In The Name of Love
by writebuzz Admin

This plot invites you to submit a romantic 'wink' in the form of a single rhyming couplet, to make your loved one(s) smile. The name of the recipient should appear at the end of the first line.

For example:

To you, my love, my sweet, sweet Anne,
without you my life would go down the pan. 

Here's to you, my precious Tom
For me you are the only one.

Without you, my dearest, darling Julie
I would be left feeling sad and poorly.

This plot is just for a giggle, so, even if there's no-one special in your life at the moment, it's fine to make up names to fit the plot.  First names only please.

Title: For Dawn
Author: Jonathan

You're the one for me, my beautiful Dawn.
We've weathered the sunshine and the storms.

Title: Caroline
Author: Jason Minty

There's this real fit bird called Caroline.
What I wouldn't do to make her mine - is nobody's business!

Title: Jane
Author: Jason Minty

The love of my life is a girl called Jane.
She jangles my bits and makes me go insane.

Title: Bella
Author: Anon

I have fallen for a poet named Bella.
I wonder if she has a fella?

Title: Andy
Author: Gill

It's true what they say about you Andy
you are very, very 'nice'.

Title: Paul
Author: Miss Place

What I like about you Paul
is that you haven't got it all. You're so, missing me. Maybe?

Title: Gillian
Author: Peter Philips

Today's the day, Gillian,
to tell you you're the only one. I love you! xxx

Title: To a love lost
Author: whetr

Now over 12 years or more,

Only your name do I know,

Yearning to see you once more,

You are mine dont you know?

I forget not, the distant past,

when you stood alongside,

Sadly for us it did not last,

Andrew, I need you by my side. xxx

Title: When it was easy
Author: Mark Mutch O'Hare

Chemistry and biology the two things that make us tick

with constanly changing experience's, unconcious in our ways

remeber if you can the day it was all good, the smell the touch

the security and idot's crutch, now remember the touch

the one that twisted the path, with life on full in reverse

all the thoughts drastically adverse

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