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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Maggie Huscroft

Title: Take me

Take me before my flower fades
While love's torrent still cascades
Take me before software degrades
Take me! Take me! Take me!

Take me in my maid's costume
Before my fruit has lost its bloom
Before my flat-mate wants the room
Take me! Take me! Take me!

Take me while the river flows
While my light of love still glows
Take me before I decompose
Take me! Take me! Take me!

Take me. you impulsive beast
While the sugar's in the yeast
Take me while the pan is greased
Take me north by north-north-east
Take me, make me last not least
Take me before the dog's released
Take me before we're both deceased
Take me! Take me! Take me!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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