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Source: Youngsters, Adults

Author: Laura Watson

Title: Henry VIII Diary

             The Diary of Henry VIII


Day 1


Why can I not be king? So what if I was born second Arthur gets everything!


Day 2


Arthur is getting married to Catherine of Aragon. Never seen her myself though. She is the Princess of Spain. She’s also a catholic!           Still not king!


Day 3


Good news! Arthur’s died. My father has already arranged everything. I’m to marry Catherine of Aragon, my brother’s widow. The pope has given in and let us marry so everything’s going right!


Day 4


The wedding was on 11th June. After we went to thetowerofLondonfor the Coronation I and Catherine are legally married! She’s 23 and I’m only 18! In other news my father died.


Day 5


Catherine is a strong and powerful leader. I’ve given her charge of my troops. I spent all my money paying for wars against the Scots and France. Now our court is known through out the world!


Day 6


Catherine’s annoying me now! My father always told me I must have a son and after 9 pregnancies I still have no son and I’m stuck with the only living baby girl, Mary. I think god is punishing me for marrying my brother’s widow. I’ve got to get a divorce.


Day 7


Stupid pope. He will not give me my annulment. I am a strict catholic and do not wish to curse but this is so horrible. My advisors have just given me an idea! I will break the bond with the pope. England is mine to rule. The English church will be in my rule. Why should they worship a man thousands of miles away when they can worship me!


Day 8


Whoops Anne Boleyn is pregnant with my baby. I will marry her and name her the new queen!




Day 9


I’ve decided the baby will be called either Edward of Henry. What do you think?


Day 10


God I’m having a really bad day! Catherine of Aragon has died and at the same moment Anne’s given birth to a girl!


Day 11


I should never have married Anne. She’s arguing with me all day and all night. I can’t divorce again!


Day 12


We’ve arrested Anne. She has been accused of having other lovers and plotting my murder! The cheek of it! She’s denies the evil little witch! It doesn’t matter she will still die.


Day 13


Anne been convicted to an execution. She begs to be beheaded by sword. Well… I could. Should I?


Day 14


Anne has been executed on the 19th May. I found a new girlfriend already! Lucky me. Anne not even buried yet!


Day 15


I’m engaged to Jane Seymour just a few days after Anne’s execution. And I just found out that Jane was Anne’s lady in waiting just as Anne was to Catherine. Coincidence?


Day 16


Jane’s had a baby and a boy too! I’m so happy at last all my life’s work has been finished. The boy doesn’t look too good though. I’ll put him the maybe pile to be king. Although I don’t think I will marry again. Jane is my true love.


Day 17


Damn it! I had to say that! Jane has died of bed fever. What do you want from me???


Day 18


I’ve been told to marry Anne of Cleaves. My advisors say if I was to do this I would make allies with the Germans. Oh well what’s to lose where’s that contract.


Day 19


I’m meeting my wife today. Wish me luck!




What the… She is defiantly not to my liking. She is a mare! I refuse this marriage to go on!


Day 20


Thank god I got divorced. Yes! Who’s next?


Day 21


Married again to a pretty young thing not even 20 yet, Catherine Howard. I don’t think she likes the fact she’s married to a fat old man like me. Oh well I wonder if it’s time for her to clip my thick yellow toenails yet. Oh Catherine!


Day 22


I’ve been told Catherine is married to someone else as well as me. That’s why she spent so much time in the bathroom instead of clipping my toenails. Oh well I’ll just bite them.


Day 23


Catherine and Lover executed. Yay!


Day 24


Seven months of waiting and I found her, Catherine Parr. She’s divorced 2 times god knows why! She brings love into the family. But she does spend quite a lot of time with Mary and Elizabeth. Doesn’t she know that their not good enough?


Day 25


Who’s Lady grey. A friend of Catherine?


Day 26


Sitting in my room wandering who to marry next but suddenly I feel really weak and sweaty. I called my body guards and they told me I was dieing. I stabbed one but left the other one to get my son. Edwards face came through the door. I almost didn’t see him because he was so thin. Edward is a very weak sickly boy so this advise he needed. “Edward” I said “Whatever you do as king you must promise me something.  You will have a son!”   


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