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  You are @ HomeAdults Memorials


Source: Adults

Author: Neil Marsden


So soon when the morning light washes,
The land with it's blanket of white.
I will muster my memories together,
And join you before the new light.

From this place where your strong arms last held me,
I will hasten not looking behind.
At the tear-stained and grieving old faces,
That once held such grace in my mind.

To a love in the strangest of places,
I'll go to unburden this heart.
A yearning so long in the living,
That captured me right frrom the start.

From that cold, empty, sad winter morning,
That began but not ended for you.
The day that so casually carried,
You silently out of my view.

A morning when your slow wheels stopped turning,
And the glow disappeared from the sun.
When I'd realise then and forever,
That your race had been finally run.

As I held you there fixed in my vision,
As cold as the glass wall between.
I saw you had gone on before me,
Far from this quiet lonely scene.

To a land where you gently watch over,
My world as it tries to unfold.
A life of competing emotions,
As I die long before I grow old.

With your memory walking beside me,
But your presence no longer in view.
All the others can do is but wonder,
If I ever quite got over you.

For we know but for time in it's passing,
When the clock strikes for one last long chime,
That again I will walk in your shadow,
In step and in love for all time.

Neil Marsden.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Memorials

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