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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jan Miklaszewicz

Title: Daytime matters.

Raindrops clattering an asphalt roof,
daytime matters and a splintered tooth.
A leak comes creeping through a ceiling crack
falling metronome toward the floor;
overflows the bowl and more.
Puddle pools linoleum:
A sorry state it has become,

Kettle blows steam into a thirsty room,
milk going sour and a rusted spoon,
radio crackles with a squawking talk.
Cigarette lighter running low on fuel,
vomit children home from school.
Tumble dryer on the blink,
dirty dish pile in the sink.

Rent cheque lost beneath a broken bed,
bin collection and the postman’s dead.
Tobacco shreds sticking to an unwashed sole.
Shit flies hover over split black sacks,
car kaput and no road tax.
Vodka bottle three thirds gone.
Lyrics missing from a song.

Telephone charger in the lost and found,
ill communication on a stony ground.
Blue spot indicator and a no show smile
dwindles and dissolves into the memory:
He ‘aint coming back, you see?
Close your eyes and count to ten.
How to come alive again?

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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