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  You are @ HomeAdults Lyrics


Source: Adults

Author: Barry Gee

Title: The Woman I would Die for.

See the lady at the table with the vomit down her dress

She's drunk and she's unable but she couldn't care less

The ash-tray's overflowing and flies buzz 'round her hair

She don't know where she's going and right now she don't care.

Her breath might smell of dying and her eyes look mean and cold

She sometimes starts to crying, she's looking very old

Her hands are really shaking, there are demons in her head

It's a hell of her own making and she wishes she was dead.


But she is the woman I would die for

The lady for whom I'd give my life

She is the woman I would kill for

So buddy, stop staring at my wife.

She's known poverty and pain, she's slept out in the rain

Been to hell and back again and sometimes goes insane

I don't know why it happens but every now and then

She somehow seems to crack and then the devil rides again.


But she is the woman I would die for

The lady for whom I'd give my life

She is the woman I would kill for

So buddy, stop staring at my wife

Buddy, stop staring at my wife.


Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Lyrics

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