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  You are @ HomeAdults Lyrics


Source: Adults

Author: Barry Gee

Title: X-Ray

I was dumb and foolish like most young men were

I was ready to walk through fire for her

I was blinded by love so the thought didn't occur

That she was other than she seemed to be.

She said she was tired of the merry-go-round

Of one fight romances and nights on the town

She said I'd put her feet right back on the ground

She was happy at last finally.

Everyone else knew what I didn't suspect

I'd heard several rumours but nothing direct

If someone had told me I'd have broken his neck

For telling such obvious lies

They said she was cheating and fooling around

I thought they were jealous of the love I had found

But rumours, like flowers, don't grow in barren ground

I saw nothing but love in her eyes.


I can talk of my wounds, I can show you my scars

That I've suffered in battle or picked up in bars

I've been put back together after falling apart

But X-rays won't show you my broken heart.

I came home early one day from the store

Kicked off my work-boots outside the front door

Found his and her clothes tangled up on the floor

And them tangled up on the bed.

Blinded by fury and crazy with hate

I picked up the poker from beside the grate

When I put it down it was already too late

Her and my dreams were both dead.


I can talk of my wounds I can show you my scars

That I've suffered in battle and picked up in bars

I've been put back together after falling apart

But X-rays won't show you my broken heart.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Lyrics

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