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  You are @ HomeAdults Lyrics


Source: Adults

Author: Barry Gee

Title: One Day of Peace.


Just one day of peace in a week of war

One day of love, then we're fighting once more

One day of calm then it's just like before

Just one day of peace in a week of war.

Is it just for the kids that we don't move apart

We give them a place to live but all that they want is our hearts

And we try to shield them by hiding the wounds and the scars

But we're all just prisoners in this war of ours.

Chorus:  Just one day of peace etc.

We can put on a smile for our friends and our kin

We seem so contented while they envy the state that we're in

But the smiles and laughter go with them as they walk out the door

And we're free to continue our private war.

Chorus:  Just one day of peace etc.

There's a warmth in the room like there's been in the past

Our happiness plays in tune but we know it's not going to last

And if dreams were diamonds we'd never ever be poor

But we've lost our fortune by fighting our war.


Just one day of peace in a week of war

Just one day of love then we're fighting once more

One day of calm then it's just like before

Just one day of peace in a week of war.

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