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  You are @ HomeAdults Lyrics


Source: Adults

Author: Barry Gee

Title: Onwards Together.

Let's go onwards together

We're on the same team

In the same story

We share the same dream.

We breathe the same air

And see the same sun

There's one God who flows through everyone.


But some men go hungry

Some are too well fed

Some sleep on a city street

Some a feather bed

We're as different as snowflakes

As unique as a flame

Though we act like we're different

In fact we're the same.

So let's go onwards together

And try to get along

We've so much in common

It's what makes us strong

We share the same earth

And when all's said and done

There's one God who flows through everyone.

Chorus: But some men go hungry etc.

So let's go onwards together

We're on the same team

In the same story

We share the same dream

We breathe the same air

And see the same sun

There's one God who flows through everyone.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Lyrics

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