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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Candy Cole

Title: To pain leads to gain

Many hearts get broken, many souls lost, left floating

Sadness comes to all of us, it does not mean to give up trust

Hate and sorrow sets within, take control, dont let it win

Because you anger or you pain, giving it back, what do you gain

It just creates a nasty storm, causing your welcome to be out worn

Where does it get you then, no where, except a bitter end

I know easy said then done, but, understand it is not all, just some

Try again, start new, you will find someone to love you

Their are many out there needing and wanting too

To sit upon a shelf only brings cobwebs to cover your self

Go out and get what you truly deserve, take the high road without the curve

Continue on with your journey without strife, never give up, its called life

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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