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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Adam Booth

Title: Frustration

an old complaint may i add

Here lies i

So newly dead

So bored of you

Upon my bed

Thoughts have flown

As birds they soar

They had no use

They Live no more

Not really dead

But nearly gone

Without the juice

To turn you on

Libido lies

In fantasy

In whores and sluts


And if you wake

At times like this

Then you may see

The beast you miss

And it may be

The beast that lures

Your pretty self

From sexless snores

But every night

My heart is sank

By the words

"Just have a wank"

My apologies

For being so crude

But what is love

If you can't be rude?

And yes i know

Theres more than that

To love and all

It's bric a brac

But every nights

When i want you

Not only when

The moon is blue

So i'm sorry again

But it had to be said

The trouble with us

Is our sex life is dead

And even though

I care about you

This is why

I'm divorcing you.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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