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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Adam Booth

Title: Memories from the river

I rally,I don't tally,I'm a scally Sir

Idiots in chariots with sirens all a whirr


Fuck it's the Five-o

Look alive boys

Look alive

Ten pound sally,Down the alley,Getting pally with the law

In Birkenhead,We TWOCK a red Capri then go to score


Look it's the scag-o

Five pound a bag-o

Five pound a bag

"That Busy's with your Mum"

And now Mums got a bump

And nine months later on

She's had a Five-os son

And the Toxteth sun shines on

And you look at whats been done

And you see the only wrong

Is where your coming from

You either take it on or get your things and run

I ran

And unlike friends

I still can

The blame is with the Five-o

We never had a chance-o

We wouldn't dance there dance-o

So we tore the fuckers down

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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