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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Barry Gee

Title: A Scotsman's Lament.

Life don't hold much pleasure

For a man of ninety-one

Tho' each new day's a treasure

Living's not much fun

I'm not the party-going type

But I like some company

I like my pint and I like my pipe

In this pub I've got all three.

I started in the factory

At fourteen years of age

From a dirt-poor family

I had to earn a wage

I worked my fingers to the bone

The boredom drove me mad

But I brought the money home

And gave it proudly to my dad.

At twenty-five I fought a war

Tho' I didn't want to fight

Didn't know what I was fighting for

But they told me we were right

The war was over finally

And at thirty years of age

I went back to the factory

As I had to earn a wage.

Last night the landlord told me

I'm not allowed to smoke

As I drank the beer he sold me

I thought it was a joke

I've been coming here for twenty years

Since I left the factory

All my oldest friends are here

They're just like family.

Life don't hold much pleasure

For a man of ninety-one

Tho' each new day's a treasure

Living's not much fun

I'm not the party-going type

But I need the company

I like my pint and I like my pipe

In this pub I had all three

I like my pint and I like my pipe

In this pub I had all three

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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