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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Wendy White

Title: Emotional Ocean

Left alone and all at sea

Swimming to the edge of the reef

I looked back then I look back now

Still there is just me and thee

The waves of anxiety I felt then

Are no different today

Away from the blue warmth

And the beautiful fish

I felt the cold indifference at

the edge of the reef

I saw the bigger fish

And the coral

You were sleeping it off

I’m came back to tell you

The difference between

Warm and cold

If only you had seen it then

To share with me the knowledge

Come in the waters warm

But you were on the edge

And now I know I have to

See the bigger fish that

Frighten me

I’ll take them on

You would expect that

Of me

Anything less I couldn’t do

I love you

You loved me

And the magic in the coral

Reefed around our life

Cuts me like knife

Waiting for another shark

That circled us around

Another wounded soul

Goes firmly to the ground

My personal tsuanami

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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