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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Viannah Duncan

Title: butterfly

when i look into your eyes i see many things... the red rose just opening, the billowing clouds of a sun shining day, or perhaps the fiery passion of the woman you are. but mostly, i see the wings of a butterfly.

you seem so fragile, and yet that is deceiving because you are strong. you could fly away at any given moment. out of my grasp, but that's okay, isn't it? if you really love someone, you let him or her go, right?

once i looked into your eyes and the wings were gone. you looked so forlorn and saddened. it was as if your soul had been crushed into a thousand pieces. it was as if you could not see well enough for all your crying to pick the pieces up by yourself before someone else stepped them on again. i held you in my arms and whispered, ever so softly, in your ear:

"it's all right, my little butterfly. we can find all the pieces of your broken heart together. we will put it back together in no time, and you'll be as good as new. let me help you get your wings back, little butterfly. let me help you fly again."

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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