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Source: Adults

Author: Lloyd Williams

Title: Immigration Deportation and Overreaction

This is a toughie and I wholly expect criticism and different views and therein lies the beauty of sites like this!

Over recent weeks debate over immigration and asylum has raged, during the same sentiment crops up. If people chose to come here they should abide by our laws.
Of course this sentiment is correct and the vast majority of immigrants are law abiding, live here honestly and decently.

The media has driven this debate for weeks now about the state of immigration and the intent of those coming here. Those who do commit crimes should be dealt with the same as any British citizen, according to the law, and if they are here illegally should be considered for deportation however these people are a minority.

There are more dangerous British citizens on our streets than there are foreign and OK perhaps the British citizens have a right to be here and illegal immigrants don’t however does that make a crime worse? Do those who suffer because of crime feel better they were victims at the hands of a fellow Briton? Is it easier to grieve a murdered friend or relative safe in the knowledge their murderer had every right to be here?

My point is this.
Instead of focusing attention on a tiny minority of criminals this debate should be about all crime and how our government deals with it and its perpetrators. Everyday there are more revelations suggesting the government are not capable of such a task. Last time I checked, they were voted in by the British people, not by illegal immigrants.

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