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  You are @ HomeAdults Stories & Scripts

Stories & Scripts

Source: Adults

Author: Ann Marie Saarelainen-Simard

Title: Stupid boy

Soooo - let's take a deep breath and get this out...

There was a day in this life, not so long ago, when this girl sort of, kind of, ran into a boy she used to know. A stupid boy. Must be. Must have been. Bon. Well. Anyway. Well, I dunno why but this girl ran into him over cocktails, which might be a weird thing to say if you did not know the ocean between them.

Even in the same city it had stuck into the brain that there was this ocean between them, the Indian ocean, and and make that Atlantic ocean too, just to be safe.

He used to be really attractive, hard to know if he was still, he seemed intelligent up to a point where you are, ya know, nice, polite, always a cool thing to say, not a boring boy. No no. This girl and this boy had shared more than their share of secrets during the years and there were plenty, because both were sorta, kinda married in that sorta, kinda way, smiling at each other in that knowing way, along the way, during days of letters and no letters and different countries and different drinks.

That was understood. And what was understood too was that the others would always be the sore losers, those loverboys and lovergirlies accumulated and thrown into oblivion over the years. There was an unwritten rule - no number ones. Well, damn right that redhead barely in her twenties, maybe that was more serious. But so then was my actor guy. And so, over the drinks, I look at him and think that we can still laugh about what never really mattered. That other stuff, those others. But wait, now that we're really onto something in the discussion and I can see that this guy, even 14 years older than me and I am starting to get old, but luckily it is too dark to see - yes, he still is that charming and attractive and intelligent - But. Hey. Who's that girl? That fat girl? I thought, well, one day there'll be another blonde, you know, socks and ponytail and broke and no worries and all the paraphernalia older guys sometimes need. But that?

Another girl like the wifey, the ex I mean. Classy beautiful bitch she was, but a bitch anyway. Bitterness made that I guess. But. Noooo. Not this one here. Brakes, where are the brakes? Emergency exit? I don't want to talk to her, anybody else would do, the waitress seemed way prettier and smarter. I am so disappointed, way beyond jealousy. She is not very attractive. No style. Rolls her eyes like an uneducated idiot when she "talks" to me. {She does not.} She thinks she is somehow superior. She thinks she's the boss lady, born on the streets. She does not know that is not the deal. I try to discuss. No way out. Horrid. And Stupid boy proves to be very bad at introductions and even worse a moderator...

The stupid boy. I mean the one who was not. Not stupid like others. Sigh. The one who always got it. The one who still was just as charming with the terrible reality of humanity of ours, keeping no secrets. The one who got away with a fat girl in a very old car. Hope it takes you there. It would have been easier to say "that pretty girl", that professor / artist / writer girl or even that nice waitress, and I would have understood. But bad taste is really worse than jealousy. Really.

Now this stupid girl here really is the last girl on Earth since the Stupid boy is gone.

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