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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Neil Marsden

Title: Mrs In-Bed-At-Nine

By the time you arrived home that morning,
I had convinced myself that you had gone forever.
The fact that you had, seemed wierdy irrelevant
The finale almost.
The you as I had known you, forever gone in one song.

Now you with your flush and me with hands full of dying dreams,
Never the twain would meet.
You raced out the words in confused and panicked explanation,
If I wasn't suspicious, I sure was now!
His name almost visible on your pouting lips.

Mrs in-bed-at-nine had stayed up till the sunrise,
Had convinced her lust and her loins that I just wouldn't notice,
Oblivious to my walking, waking vigil,
Correct that danger had dined with you.
Except that the danger would now feed on me.

Reality dawned there without any warning
And for the briefest of moments,
My earlier nightmare scenarios became my chosen goals.
I hate that you revealed that side of me to me.
I would rather you dead than this.

I allowed your wild ramblings, your moment on the stage,
Witnessed you drfit into sleep for the second time,
With the second man....
In one evening.
Yet you still would not really sleep with me.

I ignored somehow his stench
Invading my private places
Overlooked the glow on your skin
Smart red circles of passion,
That would stain you by the morning light,

Your actions placed me in charge
Of a cavalry without bullets.
I could immediately end this charade
or........as I chose.....
For some God-known reason,
Cuddle you one last time!

Neil Marsden

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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