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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Geraldine Harper

Title: Honda Hooker

Wanda was a Honda hooker
And who could really blame her?
She watched their ad on the T.V.
The images inflamed her.
She saw their cars roar
round the Grand Prix
And got more and more excited.
She donned her leathers
Painted her lips and went off
In search of a Honda biker.

Wanda was a Honda hooker
Anything Honda did it
Their lawnmowers striped
a mean patch of grass
Their outboard motors
stirred it up some
Their scooters looked cute
But still went with a blast
Their generators throbbed
with a happening hum.

Wanda was a Honda hooker
And who could really blame her?
She watched their ad on the T.V.
The images inflamed her.
She saw their cars roar
round the Grand Prix
And got more and more excited.
She donned her leathers
Painted her lips and went off
In search of a Honda biker.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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