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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Barry Gee

Title: Still in Love.

The sun was coming up and there was dew upon the ground

The birds already singing, apart from that there was no sound

Except me and her just breathing in the misty morning air

We were young and so in love , we didn't have a care.

The tide was coming in and washed our footprints from the sand

Our hips were joined together, we were gently holding hands

The sun was overhead and formed a halo in her hair

We were young and so in love, we didn't have a care.

Now the sun is going down and there's a chill upon the breeze

Love is all around us, it's not just memories

We are still together, though a little worse for wear

We're not so young,but still in love and we still care.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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