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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Stuart Johnson

Title: Download a Cat

Drag click and send, drag click and send
Is this what you'll become in 2010?
Curtains drawn on cold empty rooms
Computer screens shine out through the gloom
Open minded tunnel vision
A paradox of soul malnutrition
No longer the need to step out through your door
Download has become your forever more
Download your music, download your movies
Download your burgers, fries and fruit smoothies
Download new shoes and the shirt on your back
Download alcohol, cigarettes and crack
Download this, download that
Need a new pet, just download this cat
It's fluffy and cute, picture galleries galore
With the cyber-advantage it doesn't wee on your floor

But when is technology no longer a boast?
When your body's redundant and you're no more than a ghost?
Virtually skeletal, virtually dead
Your grasp on reality in tatters and shreds
But why should you care that all remains is your head?
When the Virtual is keeping your brain-matter fed

Soon we'll be downloading the birds and the trees
Our freedom to wander, the air that we breathe
The seasons, the oceans, the stars and the sun
In 2010, what have we become?

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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