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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jools Coggon

Title: And what do I know?

Without love life remains wanting.
Nothing is as necessary - predictably.
Love is indefinable yet defines us.
When you give too much it self-destructs.
When you hold back nothing happens.

Love is about closeness and about distance.
Too intense and it suffocates.
Too remote and it's negligent.
Love only survives when nurtured.
Love needs reciprocation.

Love, all too often, is used as an excuse.
Reckless 'love' can lead to madness.
Fickle 'love' can turn to hate.
Feigned 'love' causes damage.
Lust as 'love' can't compensate.

Most of us sabotage love at some point.
Many of us crave love at some level.
Some of us let love slip between our fingers,
And others carelessly throw it away.

Hey, do I sound as if I'm wise?
Do I give the impression that I know where 'it's at'?
Not so.
I'm one of you who haven't got a clue.
But maybe there's a difference?
… I'm also one who'd really like to know…

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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