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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Hilton Savoy

Title: Wrex Factor.

Never ever in my life just wrote a poem

Or an excuse for one.

Just chopped up prose

But so it goes

Spontaneous by any other rose.

I watched the screen -

The blue tube you tube

Me me me lube

The girl just said.......

The girl just said........

She'd drink her piss

To get a further shot at fame

The nod, the wink, the slick of of lick

The click of fingers

Close -up lingers

On her nameless fameless

Worthless flesh -

That once was born

And fought for life

And was loved

And was loved.

The guru gods may reach down

The trinity may guess your weight

Or not.

You may touch hems.

The victims in the Nazi camps

Drank piss.

Your fame

Your beauty

Your worth

Is that you do not.

This ain't no art

It's just my heart

Meeting you some place

Feeling the same


Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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