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  You are @ HomeAdults True Stories

True Stories

Source: Adults

Author: Mike Smith


Just imagine it's about 8pm on an early August evening and you're playing with your son, nearly three years old, before he goes to bed.

Imagine a police riot van draws up outside your house.

Imagine that one hour later you're escorted to the riot van by two police officers; you're under arrest.

Imagine your wife doesn't know what to do.

Imagine your wife is told she won't be able to see you.

Imagine you're told that police officers from Strathclyde are travelling down to collect you and take you back to Strathclyde.

Imagine you're locked up in a police cell for the night, stripped of all suicide possibilities.

Imagine your parents, wife and children turn up at the police station about 9pm and are told they can't see you because the police station is closed until 9am the following morning.

Imagine your parents say they will wait outside the police station - where there are at least a dozen police officers - until they are let in.

Imagine your parents are finally allowed in but told they can't see you. Your wife has taken your distressed children to their other grandparents......

Imagine your parents insist on seeing you.

Imagine you are taken to a secure visiting room where you see your parents.

Imagine you are behind glass, with no means of touching anyone.

Imagine you cry, briefly.

Imagine your parents have to ring a bell to leave the room.

Imagine you have no idea why you're there, other than Strathclyde Police have issued a warrant for your arrest - or, as far as you are concerned, someone with your name.

Imagine, after your parents make some protestations about your arrest, you are told that you are free to go.

Imagine you don't know why you were arrested, why you are being released or what your current status is in the eyes of Strathclyde Police, or, indeed, other agencies, like passport people, etc, etc.

Imagine you spend the whole of the following morning you can't go to work because you are trying to contact someone in Strathclyde to explain what happened, why and what your current status is.

Imagine you spend upwards of £20 on your phone, being passed from this person to that person to the other person.

Imagine that, about lunchtime, someone rings you from Strathclyde and apologises for the mistake.

Imagine they explain that they hadn't checked things as thoroughly as they should have done.

Imagine that there's no written apology, no further explanation, no compensation for expenses incurred - never mind the neighbours!!

Imagine that one month later you have heard nothing more from the police.

Just imagine.

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