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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: BeccaD

Title: Bully

She was always the one they picked on
and they didn't have a clue
that she cried herself to sleep at night
from their cruel words on cue

She tried to keep it from her folks
as she didn't want them upset
but she couldn't find it to forgive them
and she certainly could not forget

She dreaded going to school at times
sad, because she was really quite clever
but she found the courage to stand up to them
knowing it was now or never

She changed from mousey quiet
became determined overnight
that if anyone else should cross her path
She'd be putting up a fight

So, from that day no-one troubled her twice
they simply moved out of her way
she developed a grudge of bitterness
and 'revenge is sweet' she'd say

She lost her belief in everyone
there was no-one that she would trust
she'd never had anyone to love her
Just meaningless moments of lust

Years and years went by like this
until a bouncer spoke
he told her she was 'unapproachable'
- this coming from a huge big bloke

He said that she looked mad always
and had an att-i-tude
and that no-one wanted to speak to her
'cause she was always in a mood

She thought about what he had said
his words had made an impact
She decided that it was time to change
and the attitude was sacked

Her frown became a smile
she opened up her heart
she began at last to live her life
and have a fresh new start

Years and years have passed by since
and she's happier than ever
because now she is 'approachable'
but a pushover - never!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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