Jools Coggon
Liaison Blue
She didn't even know
the colour of his eyes.
Special hours together,
A romance in disguise.
A gentle, easy friendship
growing date by date.
Innocent stolen kisses -
who could speculate?
That evening warm and scented,
strolling through bluebell drifts,
then side by side on velvet grass,
the muslin curtain lifts.
Harmony marked the path home,
arms entwined as one.
Woodland carpeted two-step -
a natural union.
Chablis lips caressing,
supper clumsily served.
Eating without tasting,
adrenaline has a nerve.
Their every move perfection.
A whirlwind force so strong.
Swept up by the magic.
Lullabied by song.
A night of blissful passion.
Longing, verve and grace.
Sunshine breaks to tender smiles.
New lovers face to face.
She didn't even know
the colour of his eyes.
Special hours together -
and oh, how such time flies.
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> Poetry