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Source: Adults

Author: Bob Lakin

Title: Poetry without punctuation..A REVIEW

Marco Buschini is a POET. In an attempt to shout his own brand of anarchy to the wind, he succeeds in producing some witty, stage whispered, personal and senitive poems.

For me, Marco will always be the man who brought the word MISDEMEANANT to my life and left it on my stolen wit list. I am grateful and will always try to acknowledge his contribution - but I may not. This word appears in his utterly surreal "THE CIRCUS QUEEN" which has appeared on writebuzz.

The whole collection of 92 poems is written in upper case and is untroubled by the buzzing flies of punctuation. Oddly enough, it just does not matter because there is an organic cohesion into which punctuation would intrude. After all, you can be anywhere..so why beat yourself up by trying to be somewhere?

Each poem is dated and herein lies the true nature of this collection. It is a picture of a period..a very particular reflective area of time which will never come to Marco again.

In demonstration of the self belief that is essential to the writer's character (please note all you writebuzzers), Marco has hit the page running with exactly what he wanted to express without any concern other than placing his own stamp on that instant. This is what writers and poets do. This is their self-assertive ugly, beautiful and comical job. The first thing that Totalitarians do is to hang the poets. The first thing that poets do is to become Totalitarians. (This has nothing whatsoever to do with the review - but it is a state of mind that you enter after a day reading Marco.)

So, Marco Buschini's collection is a work in progress and always will be. He could not improve on "poetry without punctuation" since it is gone and will lie where it fell in time, forever both perfect and scarred by youth.

Many poems deal with the idea of motion - train journeys that one can read as personal journeys to Bromley or psychological excursions into a Dali-esque world of pink knickers in an anonymous briefcase.

If we are talking technique here, I'd just give you the lines THE BORED AND UNIMPRESSED /WHO CROSS DRESS/WITHOUT FEELING THE NEED TO CONFESS. Now...I wish I'd said that.

Marco will write better stuff than some of the weaker poems in this collection - but he will not equal it since the snap shot is taken and stands for nothing but itself. It is how the poet was. Let's see how important he makes this collection by adding to his range.

Laydeez an' Gennelmen! I give you Marco Buschini A MISDEMEANANT of the community. Currently starring in Bob's taxi and on www.myspace.com/marcopaolobuschini Here you can hear a musical interpretation of his poem "PICTURE YOURSELF IN A DREAM"...Go on - have a go..about 2,500 others have already done so. Incidentally old flower children such as me will find this track rather psychedelic... enough to get out the old mushrooms. These days I'd settle for mushroom soup and a nice slice of wholemeal toast...or perhaps, after Marco, - the pink knickers and a boat on a river and that girl with the endescope eyes.

Marco - If you read this, I thoroughly enjoyed and loved your work and very much look forward to more. Give it some stick!

poetry without punctuation is available via www.authorhouse.co.uk

Writebuzzers - this guy is a bit at the cutting edge and I'm an old guy doing the old rounds..but I enjoyed this. It was stimulating, a new approach and completely off the wall. Who wants to be on the wall anyway?

Writers groups can become cosy and complacent..this guy is putting it up there to be knocked down and while you are knocking it down, he is moving on. There are too many straight lines in the word POET to make it comfy. Check it out!

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