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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Stuart Johnson

Title: I Will Probably Be Found Dead In The Woods

Tell us the truth
Show us the proof
Tell us Broucher, when did you really meet?
With the man whose ghost haunts Downing Street
Are you sure you discussed the resolution?
Or do you lie to hide your ulterior collusion?
Was it the second month of two-thousand and three?
As you told the televised government committee
Or twelve months earlier before it begun?
Prior to the release of " fourteen forty one "

Tell us the truth
Show us the proof
Tell us Tony, how do you feel?
Do you know what happened that day on the hill?
Were there lips to be sealed?
Crucial secrets to conceal?
Was it out of your hands, are you a puppet on a string?
Are there powers standing over you, to make you dance and sing?
Would it make you wince, would it make you frown?
If we demand the truth about Harrowdown

Tell us the truth
Show us the proof
Tell us Gilligan, why did you dessert?
Driven into the dirt, you should be feeling the hurt
So why did you U-turn? Why did you back-track?
Did you fear for yourself? Were you watching your back?
Now you concur with the 'suicide' of a man in the know
Perhaps your integrity was only for show

Tell us the truth
Show us the proof
Falconer and Hutton, you're so goddamn aloof
You rake in your salaries through dismissive bluff
That judicial inquiry was so off the cuff
It usually takes months to put these together
But yours was so instant, you must be so clever
Just five working days to be organised
Could it be that you'd known of his impending demise?

You all take us for fools, think we take it as read
And believe our mass media like it's being spoon-fed
But some of us search for the real facts instead
And those who tell the truth seem to wind up dead

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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