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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Maggie Huscroft

Title: Circus

The circus roof is strewn with stars.
Its sides are striped with white and red.
The acrobats swing on high bars,
And hang there till they're dead.

No children cheered the circus folks
Parading through the dusty town.
No laughter follows hollow jokes
From that grotesque clown.

With painted smiles he entertains,
He fights his own one-man crusade.
The orange-coated men in chains
Now know they've been betrayed.

Forgotten in their costumes bright
Performers die caged by the sea,
Silenced in shadows out of sight
Under this grim marquee.

This masquerade we all mistrust,
For right before our weeping eyes,
We see the carnage in the dust,
The crimes clowns can't disguise.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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