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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Alwyn Gornall


Bill’s shiny black shoes were just the thing
for my part in our play, Little Women.
I was sure I’d returned them safe and sound
but alas, they were lost, nowhere to be found.

After nine months frantically searching,
turning things upside down and lots of cursing,
Catherine made a startling revelation
about Bill’s black shoes and their long vacation.

They were in the vestry in a plastic bag
when Anne, our verger, showed them to the lad,
“this is very timely indeed”, he said,
“because my old shoes have lost their tread,

It must surely be fate or the hand of God,
that brought these shoes when I need to be re-shod”.
And so, to my relief, the shoes have been found
Walking in church on holy ground.

Bill’s black shoes, all shiny and neat.
Now all that remains is to remove them …
From the Curate’s feet!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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