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Stories & Scripts

Source: A Little Helps a Lot! - A short story competition/plot on www.writebuzzschools.com

Author: Rebekka Fielden

Title: The missing box

Yep once again a boring day is taklen place at Greenway High School, like a regular day did a tiny bit of maths went to sleep and “Stop day dreaming Jess, you will never guess what, the time has come again for the charity sale,” Every year at Greenway High there would be a charity sale which a wide range of people would go to and buy every single thing there, well Jess will she is a total shopaholic, everyone would agree on that.

My eyes began to widen and there in front of me was Jess’s enormous face, her eyes glaring at me with success, I tried to push her face away but it just wouldn’t move she was putting all her strength into not moving it you could tell though that she wanted to give up because her face was blood red. Lots of my time was wasted as I was thinking about how sorry I felt to be Jess’s older sisters Carol and Jane. I had a bit of a chuckle when I noticed the time it was quarter past four what had happened, I rushed home to find my empty BORING house there. My mum must have still been at work but there on my bed was a clump of my toys which had been thrown on their.

My mum had heard about the Jumble sale, or she could have been tidying my room, that would be a dream come true. My mum would never do that. Not in a million years, I then realized all my stuff thrown on the bed. I thought to myself, maybe mum was right, I should be growing up, a tear slid down my right eye.; I then decided I would take place in the jumble sale and start going to school with a smile on my face, without going to sleep. I went to school the next morning looking really smart and gave Miss Buckley my two big black bin liners. Miss was surprised at me, she nearly died when I paid attention in maths and my worst subject ever English. I decided to set up my own stall, I was up all night thinking of a catchy name like The Brill Till but I got fed up at about 5:30 so I ended up calling it Beki’s Stall. I worked on the teddy stall everything 20p and 50p’s. I had about thirty four costumers and as I looked back my tub of money had disappeared there was only some coppers left in the bottom.

For the first time at Greenway high there had been a thief!

I went to tell miss aden our head teacher but she said there was no sign of it anywhere.

When I got home I had a banging head ache yet I still rang jess I told her everything what had happened but she started crying and hung up.

She wouldn’t talk to me at school I tried to figure out what I had done. There was no use nothing came to me.

She came to me with her hands behind her back to apollogise to me. She started to run around and play with me and my new friend Katie. When something in her hands started to jangle when she turned around I managed to have a peep behind her.

And there it was my box!

Had she taken it or had she found it. I asked her she burst out crying she had obviously stole it.

She gave me my box and I went to miss aden but I never told over her. I was rewarded a head teachers award and a ticket to see Matt Willis. And all because of Jess!

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