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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Maggie Huscroft

Title: Tell Me Again (villanelle)

Tell me again; and take hold of my hand.
I hear, but the words mean nothing to me,
Speak to me softly, till I understand.

Harsh winds are wounding; they whip up the sand,
So it stings my eyes and I cannot see.
Tell me again; and take hold of my hand.

I'm a lone stranger, lost in a strange land.
I'm alienated; an absentee.
Speak to me softly, till I understand.

And walk with me now, along the seastrand
Where land traps the sea and seagulls fly free.
Tell me again; and take hold of my hand.

I see your words clearly drawn in the sand
And watch them slowly erased by the sea.
Speak to me softly, till I understand.

I don't belong to the life I had planned,
And I've left behind my old used-to-be,
Tell me again; and take hold of my hand.
Speak to me softly, till I understand

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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