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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Stuart Johnson

Title: I Would Follow The Jetstreams

Old enough to know you weren't coming back
Too young to understand or know how to react
But the holes still appear, homing in for the kill
Gaping ever wider and quicker than I can fill
With empty jokes and distant smiles
My inside and outside never quite reconciled
Give me one final chance, one belated shot
At knowing a father who was removed from the plot
I wait for reunion with your ethereal ghost
To replace vague memories I half-heartedly toast
Please lay me a trap, or provide me a map
Turn the wind on my face and show me the signs
And I will follow the currents, follow the treelines
Show me you're there and I will remain calm
And I will follow the jetstreams to return to your arms

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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