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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Neil Marsden


My love you are a mystery of tangled dreams to me,
A slice of life so rich my palate burns to taste.
You came without an invitation,
And I welcomed you without a trace of worth.
Such are the things you bring to me,
From behind the barricades of fear.
You dared to let the devil take the hindmost,
To let your loving flood on out.
A most unlikely consequence of lives,
From not remotely connecting, winding routes.
That came together without a need for introduction,
Down blindly ever-converging paths.
And what of this love you bring to me,
Should I nullify or doubt.
Or do I blindly trust and savour,
This endless banquet of delight.
You envelop me in toll-free love
And honour me with need.
Yet my mind controls the venetian blind,
To safely filter in your soft warm light.
Your heart reminds me of a presence passed,
A love that flourished many dreaful daily memories ago.
And so it is with trembling empty hands,
That I caress and hold your beauty now.

This love a perfect recipe for misconceived idea,
Nailed on to shock the ever prying, half closed eyes.
They could not trace the serenity within these starving hearts,
Nor understand that we could ever love someone this much.

Neil Marsden.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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