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Stories & Scripts

Source: A Little Helps a Lot! - A short story competition/plot on www.writebuzzschools.com

Author: Rohith Govindraj

Title: The Little Indian Boy

26th December 2004, 9am, i saw mum and dad getting ready to shop at the sale that hits the uk high streets today, boxing day they call it. My parents come from southern part of India, they both work as doctors in leeds. My name is RAM, i have been to India few years ago but i dont remember much, but yes i have my friend SHIVA, he writes to me often. I said mum can i stay home and play with play station?, this was my long awaited christmas present. I am 7 years old, and i think i should be allowed to do what i want to do, my friends at school say so. But make sure you finish your pancakes and the entire glass of milk with that note mum left me at home all to myself.

1030am, same day, bored of my play station i swithced to the tv trying to surf for my cartoon network channel. It was hard for me to ignore what was on other channels as everything was showing the same news. when this part of the world was shopping the other side was hit by this masive earthquake and the waves that washed away thousands called the Tsunami. Just pictures of people lying dead and children crying. this left me thinking if my dear friend SHIVA is ok or not!

We never felt the 9.0 richter scale earthquake here but the after shocks hit here everyday as tv shows and videos of the disaster. Hence, a week from then, my school Greenway decided to raise funds by organising a sale to raise money and send it the Tsunami affected areas. We were told to bring unused things from home which can be sold at this charity sale. They also said that the some big guests were expected to visit the charity sale.

9th January, 2005, 10am, the day of the charity sale. All the children in my school were excited about the sale and had big boxes to sell. However, i managed to put my stuff in a box and priced it for a massive 10 pounds as I thought 10£ was big money. The big guys took the best places and since i was the youngest, and the shortest in my class, i was put to the corner of the hall next to a little window facing the back garden of the school.

It took an hour from the time we took our positions to sell, until the crowd start coming in. But, looked like no one was interested in buying my little box. Two hours gone, i was sad thinking my box won't sell and a tears just lined at the brim of my eyes just when a old genttleman with grey hair came to my desk. he was dressed in a black suit, i guessed he must be rich enough to pay 10 pounds. He looked at me and asked why are you sad little boy? have you not sold your box yet? looking at messy wraping of my box. i immediately sprung up on my feet and said its only 10 pounds Sir, please buy it Sir, i have to send the money to Shiva my friend. The gentleman said alrite, let see what u got! and he looked into my box. He smiled and said that a bargain no one would miss! and he took an cheque book and scribbled in it. He handed the cheque to me and patted on my shoulder. he said i think you should take your box home with you but you can send this money to your friend Shiva. He walked away still smiling.

i went to my teacher and i handed over the cheque and her eyes widened to see a 1000 pounds written in the cheque. she asked me who gave me that and i pointed at the old gentleman leaving the hall. only then she told me that he was the Mayor of the city and she appreciated me saying that i did a good job.

i walked home stillholding he box i took. But i was quite happy that i could send money to Shiva ..............and also keep my little box with me, which had the play station the christmasgift i got two weeks ago!!

now, i am 9 years old now and i still send my little savings to the people affected in the 2004 Tsunami disaster.


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