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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Barry Gee

Title: A Room of my Own

I had to share a curtained-off corner of the kitchen

With a brother who was certain there were rattlers in our bed.

He woke a dozen times a night, kicking and screaming

I should have been dreaming but I was wishing he was dead.

I had to spend the evenings feeling over-crowded

In a family that got bigger every single year.

When I needed privacy there was nowhere I could go to

So I shut my eyes up tightly and I covered up my ears.

But I've got a room of my own at last

With bars in the windows, not glass.

The walls are all padded with foam

It's not much but I call it home.

The headaches started coming about the time that I stopped growing

I was four feet nothing so I didn't take much space.

But I needed something more than a cushion in the corner

I needed room to hide away from the fears I couldn't face.

But I've got a room of my own at last

With bars in the windows, not glass.

The walls are all padded with foam

It's not much but I call it home.

It's not much but I call it home.


Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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