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Stories & Scripts

Source: A Little Helps a Lot! - A short story competition/plot on www.writebuzzschools.com

Author: Laura Bentley

Title: Carrying On This Story

Becky was out when she had tried to call her but she was still on Susie's mind. Susie remembered the story that Becky had told her about the charity day when Becky had won a prize and it was all down to Jess. She remembered a different story that the little indian boy had told too. his prize had been to help others. These are the two stories that you have just seen. That's what this is all about Becky thought. It's about doing what we can for others. She decided to ask her mum and dad if they would help too. They both said they would and that Becky should also ask her gran as she had lots of old things that she wanted to give away to a good home. They felt sure that Becky would be able to take them to school and sell them instead.

Becky went to her grans and sure enough her gran had a box of things ready to give away. There was alsorts in there. Becky really liked some of the things herself but she decided not to keep anything but to take them all to school and see how much she could sell them for. The thing she liked the best was a fluffy teddy bear that had lost a piece of its ear. Her gran had told her that the bear was called Billy and had asked Becky to make sure that Billy got a good home as he had been her gran's own gran's bear.

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