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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Barry Gee

Title: Nostalgia.

Can't you remember back when

Women were women and men were real men.

In the good old days, the golden days

Just when did they come to an end.

Nostalgia was better back then, my friend

Nostalgia was better back then.

The sun shone from May to November

We played in the streets without fear.

Built snowmen with dad in December

Flew kites in the spring of the year.

The days were all endlessly sunny

We sunbathed for hours on end.

'though we didn't have that much money

We had a whole lot of weather back then.

Children were seen but not heard then

They played quietly with their toys.

Gran was a joy, not a burden

Grandad was one of the boys.

Neighbours walked in without knocking

On Sundays we always ate meat

At night the doors didn't need locking

And dogs didn't crap in the street.

You could go to the very best restaurant

And eat all you wanted to eat.

Then take in just any show that you want

And sit in the very best seat.

Later on you'd go out drinking

And freely buy round after round

Take a taxi back home without thinking

And still have change left from a pound.

Can't you remember back when

Women were women and men were real men.

In the good old days, the golden days

Just when did they come to an end.

Nostalgia was better back then, my friend

Nostalgia was better back then.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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