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Stories & Scripts

Source: A Little Helps a Lot! - A short story competition/plot on www.writebuzzschools.com

Author: Laura Watson

Title: Setting up the stalls

The week flew by and soon it was time for the big jumble sale. Susie had worked hard all week making a fun poster with her mum to sit of her stall. It was a big pink one with glitter writing and huge pink feathers around the side. She held it under her arm with pride so the whole school could see her good work. Her mum helped heave the boxes of stuff to sell. Susie found the best stall she could find in a nice sunny place next to her best friends stall Becky. The only problem was that it was opposite the school bullies stall, Maggie. Maggie was a frightening little girl. She wore black heavy clothes and piercing all over her ears. She wore thick bold makeup and never ever smiled. Her stall was an old wobbly stall which had a small scribbly sign saying: Everything a quid.

Susie had tried making friends with Maggie before, she left with a black eye and a bloody nose. No one quite understood why Maggie was so nasty but no one wanted to find out either!

It was 8:30am and everyone was excitedly rushing around to decorate and organize the big affair.

Susie’s mum finally finished placing every item on the stall and gave Susie one last kiss before climbing into her car with the empty boxes.

“I’ll come back later with your Cousin Ben, he’ll want to come and see you” Mum promised and drove away leaving Susie and Becky giggling behind their stalls.

“I can’t wait until everyone arrives!” Becky squealed.

“Me neither” Susie agreed but stopped when her stomach interrupted her thoughts.

Susie had been so excited this morning she forgot to have any breakfast.

“It’s ok, Hailey’s brought lots of cakes and crisps to eat and I think Mr. Himbry is making hot dogs” Becky assured her so they both ran off to find something to eat.

Susie made sure she brought enough money in case she wanted to buy anything. She bought herself and Becky a hotdog, fairy cake and can of coke each and they both tucked in while making their way back to their stalls. There excited chattering was interrupted by the sight of there stalls. Becky screamed in horror and almost dropped her hotdog. The stalls were kicked over, there stuff was scattered across the floor and the sign Susie had worked on all week was gone…

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