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Stories & Scripts

Source: A Little Helps a Lot! - A short story competition/plot on www.writebuzzschools.com

Author: Laura Watson

Title: The Happy Ending

“I don’t believe it!” Susie gasped picking up the broken pieces of what was once her grandmother old tea set.

Maggie was smirking behind her stall. It was fifteen minutes before everyone was expected to come. Becky quickly scooped up all the undamaged stuff and stacked it quickly on to the stall again. Susie felt all hot and sticky in the sickly surprise. My grandmothers teddy bear was also missing from the stack. Maggie was still grinning slyly and took down her horrid banner from her stall and replaced it with Susie’s big pink one. Maggie had stolen Susie’s banner! Becky and Susie was gob smacked!

“How can she just do that without a care in the world” Becky cried “Someone better teach that girl a lesson!”

Susie had to drag her back before she did something they both would regret.

“Lets just steal it back… I mean it is yours” she continued.

That gave Susie an idea. While Becky made a diversion Susie snuck behind the stall and took her banner and hid it behind her then she rushed back to her stall and waited for the parents to arrive to the jumble sale. The time soon came and all the parents rushing on the school field, it was then Susie proudly hung up her banner and waited for her customers. Her mum and her cousin Ben came a short while later to her stall. Maggie stormed over to Susie’s store.

“That banners mine!!!! You stole it from me!” she boomed.

Susie’s legs felt like jelly.

“Oh no she didn’t! Susie made that with me” Susie’s mum.

And for the first time in Susie and Becky’s life they saw Maggie look completely intimidated. She then just shoved back to her own store miserable.

“You see Susie, bullies only think their the best until someone bigger and stronger” she beamed wiping the hair from her face. “Oh yes! Bens got something for you”

She looked down at bed who was holding tightly to her mums hand. He looked so cute in his little jeans and short blonde hair. It was then when he pulled on her grandmothers teddy bear! She thanked him a million times and then continued to sell her items. At the end of the day every single item was bought except from grandma’s teddy bear. The school made tons of money for the school, Maggie never bullied anyone again and even better grandma’s beloved teddy bear had found a perfect home for Billy the bear!

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