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Source: Youngsters, Adults

Author: Laura Watson

Title: Our Damaged World

Our Damaged World

Slimy rivers, squealing ice, crumbling mountains and angry oceans. The earth ripping apart, the weather fighting back, energy wasted, animals suffering and man kind perishing. This is your world…

For centuries humans have walked the earth as fair and equal as every other creature born and raised on gods land. We however have found a way to develop our knowledge and lifestyle with busy roads and huge buildings, but is this for the better or for the worse? Sure enough all great discoveries need a sacrifice but should it be the earth. For example, to make cures for illness laboratories and factories need to be built wasting fossil fuels and killing the environment. Wasted chemicals are often tipped into the nearest river or into the sea. No one cares how this can damage all sea life below. Also to deliver the medicines to hospitals and pharmacists we need transport which causes pollution. As you can see a small project to help save lives can also be killing far more than saving. Not everyone can live, god made it so, without death there would be no life. We take advantage of the life given to us and no longer fear death as much as we would have done years ago. It makes us forget about the dangers to life and starts carelessness. This all happens on gods green earth. How different is the beautiful Garden of Eden to your nearest park? Mankind’s ignorance and greed has made our world a very cruel and unattractive place. The world’s rare wonders such as the Amazon rainforest are being erased of the whole of the map. Ancient legacies such asStonehengeand the great pyramids will soon be lost and forgotten. There is only a small amount of oil and coal in the whole world… what will you do when it all runs out? Will you wait until then to act or save lives by thinking about our world and doing something about it now, before its too late. We all have a duty to look after and care for gods earth and its creatures. Will you personally do your bit to keep the world clean and tidy? Do you care more about your image and popularity than the earth you stand on? It doesn’t take much to place that empty can of pop into a nearby bin. It doesn’t take much to place that old comic into a recycling box.

What not many people seem to realise is we will die if this kind of abuse continues in our world. Would you really want to see you’re parents or your children die at your hand? All I ask is you consider the consequences before you take action. For something so small and simple a lot of damage can happen after a long period of time. There is a huge number of ways we can die young and healthy because of our selfishness and greed for all the small pleasures around us. The lands will flood, the skies will darken, it will be too late to pick up the pieces by then. Mother Nature will get you one way or another. It’s already happening to places around the globe such asAmerica. Monster hurricanes are increasing, earth shattering earth quakes are destroying our world bit by bit, even England can’t escape the flood. Mother Nature may also bring forth storms and blizzards, volcano eruptions and mudslides, avalanches and tornados. We have become more powerful and desperate for fame and wealth but you must think of the world around you or it won’t be there any longer. The weather will become much, much worse. We are not at the top of the food chain any longer. The world will fight back stronger than we could ever imagine. But the killer is us. We destroy the world much more than anything else could possibly do. We bring this on ourselves. We started this monstrosity but it is not we who plan to end it. I am almost saddened that I am a human. Humans are worse than animals. Animals kill for food, yet we kill for pleasure. Think of your favourite animal. Imagine it playing along with its friends happy and free. Now imagine what will happen to them when their homes are ripped from them, when they are tortured, murdered and stripped from their only thing they can call their own. Who would do such a thing? Humans would. Our greed has conjured up an evil monster inside us that only care about money and ourselves. Picture those animals in your head, because by the time you have children of your own, these animals will be long forgotten, extinct as the dinosaurs themselves. Tragic isn’t it?

I know in my heart this can all stop before it is too late, if only you were to listen and take time to recycle our rubbish and to turn lights off when we are finished with them. It’s not hard to wear a jumper instead of turning the heater on and it is not hard to save food. You can turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth and take a shower instead of a bath. All this we can do with ease, so why don’t we? Life isn’t just about enjoying it while it lasts and leaving the pieces for other people. It’s about respect and justice for the land we live on and making it last for years to come.

Published on writebuzz®: Youngsters Adults > Features

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