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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Victoria Reid

Title: A little red stain of love on my lip.

It was a freezin' winter night around a quarter to nine,
When I was introduced to a very fine wine.
A large basin on mystery stood tall at my feet,
I wracked my brains for history but this puzzle had me beat.

Where had it come from, where had it been,
What was it's name I just wanted to scream.
A complex little character full of body that's true,
A competitor for X-Factor, prepared like home made stew.

Ingredients essential, to a recipe for love,
Addictive in its nature with a side as soft as dove.
As the liquor grew more potent, as it matured with age,
I became quite confused so I re-read every page.

The first sip so tentative, the impact immense,
An explosive eruption that didn't make sense.
My Karma now disrupted by the briefest of glance,
Your spirit and intoxication, stimulated my dance.

Suspended by the hour the second I know I'd 'pulled',
A crystal clear glass of vintage "mulled"
Responsible for flirting during the chase,
Capturing the cradle of your warm embrace.

As hormones keep jumping the more I consume,
The aroma of spices, an erotic perfume.
Could you resist it that last little bit?
I dip in my finger work fast on my clit.

I'm warming up nicely, deep down inside,
As the juices run freely, there's no way to hide.
The fruit, it's now suffering from discolouration,
A reflection of my mind from over saturation.

I'm a glutton and I'm greedy and I just can't get enough,
But the bottle dried so quickly, with a great big "tough".
The demon gave me a buzz like chasing the dragon,
But know I'm left like an alcoholic on the wagon.

Recovery all be it necessary, the rattle I did it well,
The sickness that I suffered from your captivating spell.
Experience has taught me to be cute and oh so wise,
I will adore you from a distance as I plan the next surprise!

Victoria Reid.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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