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Source: Youngsters, Adults

Author: Laura Watson

Title: The Big Exam

The Big Exam

This one last chance

To try your best

To get things right

On this one big test


You file into a noiseless hall

You struggle to find your seat

You pull out your pen and all of your things

Then nervously shuffle your sheet


The teacher stands at the front of the hall

She tells you all the rules

Then she comes for you’re phones, mp3’s

Then hands out necessary tools


The nerves kick in

You can’t keep still

You try to relax

which works until…


The teacher says start

And the clock ticks faster

Everyone starts working

It’s a total disaster


The pressure piles on

You read the first question

It seems almost impossible

What an impression!


You look at the next one

It’s a little bit clearer

The time passes by

The end gets nearer


Towards the end of the time

Your calm and content

When you catch sight of the clock

Your back in torment


Five more questions

You rush through the rest

Everyone has finished

You hope for the best


One week later

The scores are all in

And the only reaction

Leaves you happy within…


Published on writebuzz®: Youngsters Adults > Poetry

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