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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Misguided Motivation .

Don't make notes .
Keep the timetable clicking
in your neo-fascist head .
Adopt a Stalinistic outlook .
Cut off all previous contacts known .
Become unassuming .
Blend in with mediocrity ,
as percieved .
Disavow all faith .
Formulate a personal ideology ,
embracing hubris .
Identify base .
Remain insular ,
and remain underground .
Utilize media sources .
Collate all information
required for campaigning .
Purchase all bomb making equipment
from a range of differing outlets .

Device number one ;
Brixton Market .
Sports bag filled with high explosive ;
ten pounds of steel nails ;
and a clock .
Bright flash ,
followed by momentary silence .
Then carnage and shock .
Retreat .

Device number two ;
Brick Lane .
Same deal ;
twelve pounds of nails .
Broad daylight , so blatent .
Numerous casualties ;
Raw fear , stripped and basic .
Retreat .

Device number three ;
Soho Pub .
Bigger ;
fifteen pounds of nails ,
designed to take innocent life .
Many wounded .
Four fatalities , one an unborn child .
Retreat .

You used public transport .
Cabbies recognized your face ,
from the t.v. and the papers .
They reported you .
But you were too quick
as the cops came chasing .

Smiling ;
As you listened to reports
about your deeds .
Live on the breaking news ;
on the bank holiday streets .

Generating a beat for yourself .
Like a Viking drummer .

But it takes more than that
to break the will of London people .
More than
just one nail bomber .

More than
the sanguinary leaking
of lifes rich claret .

More than
three misguided targets .

More than you
will ever know
about it .

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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