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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jan Miklaszewicz

Title: Thirsty thursday.

a boozy collaboration with Lee Holman

the kwik shower. the kleen shave.
the best shurt. the late kab.
the pissyn rain. the arsh fare.
the krawlin strip. the smoke hayz.
the tite crowd. the phit bird.
the hand sheik. the beer tayst.
the ash trei. the shite joak.
the cool bierz. the phat slag.
the sticky flaw. the urinal keykz.
the sly joynt. the dojjy text.
the swift shawtz.
the best hayz.
the arsh crowd. the smoke byrd
the slice lag. the phit bierz
the urinaljoak. thetite tayst.
the andkab. thukrawlinflaw.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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