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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Jan Miklaszewicz

Title: Don't go knocking.

don't go cherry-knocking Scrapefoot's door
or he'll get you with
the scrap-iron jaw
oh don't go cherry-knocking Scrapefoot's door
or you'll never come back home

in the cellar there's a steel hook
and a bleeding trough
and a butching book
oh in the cellar there's a steel hook
and the walls are caked with blood

in the attic there's the monster child
with the twisted legs
and the spastic smile
oh in the attic there's the monster child
and you'll get fed to him

in the garden there's a charcoal pit
to destroy the bones
that go into it
oh in the garden there's a charcoal pit
and the weeds grow tall as trees

don't go cherry-knocking Scrapefoot's door
or he'll get you with
the scrap-iron jaw
oh don't go cherry-knocking Scrapefoot's door
or you'll never come back home

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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